Monday, 7 January 2008

{project 365 anyone?}

Seems like everybody around is doing it! Me too :) I found out about
it two days into the new year but lucky me I always carry my Oly
(Olympus E510) with me so I have every day  of 2008 covered
so far:) Im gonna post my pics on Photoblog and update it once
a week - can't do every day - my little one keeps me very busy,
what can I do :)
Yesterday we had him baptised. He was exactly 13 months - our
favourite number(I met my husband on friday 13th :))) I know we
waited long to have him baptised but we are not really religous
ourselves , though we were both brought up Catholics...Anyways
we did it for him - whatever he decides then religion-wise when he
is old enough will be totally up to him.
He and two other kids were baptised by Fr Sean who came especially
to Tuam for our little one. Fr Sean knows my husband from work -
he's a chapalain at the hospital where my hubby works and since the
birth of our son the two have  been talking about it and once we had 
the date picked he'd said he'd come to do it and he did ;o)
The whole ceremony was ok. Slawcio was fine as well - only started
wriggling a bit by the end of it.
Our friends were the godparents to our boy and I was a godmother to
their DD - she was born the same year as Slawcio but in January that
makes her nearly year older. Anways there was this funny moment
before it all started when she came up to him and gave him few kisses -
his first girl-boy kisses. It was so cute :) Of course I took a photo of it and this one
will be the one for the Jan 6th :)

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